Saturday, September 25, 2010

The "Bumpy" Mom

Alright, so I'm four months pregnant, so I suppose it's time to post some "bump" pics. And while I'm gaining weight at a slower rate than I did with Collin (trying to pace myself a bit this time!), I somehow still look larger! Oh well, what can you do? I will post side by side shots so you can compare Collin to Baby #2.

First up, this is me 4 months pregnant with Collin:

Besides the portruding tummy, I look downright skinny in that photo! What happened?! ;)

And here is me 4 months pregnant with Baby #2:

Try to ignore the twitching eye in that photo...must be all that sugar I've been consuming!

And no, I'm just having one...there are no twins in there...just making a good, quality, roomy home for the kid I guess. I know some people think these bumps are cute and whatnot, but I really only think they are cute on other people!:)

Oh well, at least the end result is worth it!


  1. I know what you mean...When I was pregnant I felt huge...But now when I see other women pregnant I think they look so cute

  2. Oh, by the way CONGRATS on your pregnancy
